Friday, March 9, 2007

Two things...

First I have to apologise to you all for my pathetic whine on Wednesday about having no friends. I do in fact have a lovely friend named Lisa who's willing to put up with my nonsense and enjoy an afternoon of foolish girliness on Sunday. Joy of joys. Looks like I have a friend after all. I'm such a whiner...

Secondly, contrary to Women's Day yesterday, I still had to cook. Can you believe it? No flowers, no card, no Louboutin shoes, just fettucini, garlic bread and salad thanks to me. Hey, if it wasn't for me (a woman last time I checked) they wouldn't have eaten at all. So maybe that can be a Woman's Day thing? Right? Can't it? I've been saying it a lot lately so I'll say it again: Whatever.

Have a fabu weekend,