Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mrs. Kaye? Is that really you?

You sure don’t look like a Mrs. Kaye...

So I got a delivery from eBay yesterday. Not ususual since Scott and I both use my eBay account and we get lots and lots of packages. I do so enjoy packages. Except when they ask for extra duty. What the hell is up with that? I paid for the item, I paid for the shipping, now I have to pay for the delivery git to put it in my hands? What an effing cash grab. Anyway, yesterday I got a package (no duty... woohoo).

When I opened the door, the delivery guy said (looking around and behind me) "Mrs. Kaye, please". Ummm... that’d be me, I replied. I grabbed the box and signed the thingie. Afterwards he started to say that he needed to ask for my name because it’s not the same as the one on the box... then he looked down and saw that the signature was the same as on the box. I grabbed my booty (the package, not my ass) and shut the door. Huh? Minutes later, I realized that he didn’t immediately think I was Karen Kaye. Granted with my errr... complexion I look more like a Sha’niqaa Jackson but this is the ’burbs, man. I answered my own front door but nearly had to convince the postal worker of who I was. After all, I could have been the maid, right? Hey, who could blame him. It’s not like this is Canada or anything. Hmph.



Genie said...

I was googling my own name (Karen Kaye) to see if any of my own sites came up and I came upon yours... I like your writing style and your spunk.

I can't pass for Mrs. Kaye either. In real life, I look like a 20 year old college student on spring break.

Any whoo... Keep writing!!!

Karen Kaye

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny what happens when you google yourself? LOL!

You sound cool. Career counselling, eh? I'm a textbook case. Stay-at-home-mum for 9 years, crappy job in retail for 2. Don't want to go to school but want to be rich. Same old story!
