Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Ten years ago I gave birth to my first and only daughter. She's funny, cute and helpful. That is, when she's not whiny, moody and petulant. Which makes her happy moods all the more special. As my only estrogen-laced ally, I need her to counter-balance the testosterone that freely flows through this house. When the boys go to monster truck rallys, airshows or hockey games, me and my little ally go shopping or do each other's toenails. We can be girly together.

And to think before having kids, a baby girl was a scary prospect. I was a tomboy myself and working at daycares really cemented the fascination I had for little boys. When I took photographs, boys were always featured, boys were always my favourite kids. Girls were sneaky, cliquey and just plain mean. I wanted very little to do with them. Then I had one of my own. After the abject terror subsided a few years later, I realized it'd be all right. Thank goodness. Since Audrey was born I've worn more pink and skirts and discovered a love for sky-high heels. I'm not embarrassed to be girly. In fact I love it. I really want to thank her for that.

For her birthday I'm finding it very easy to shop for her. All she wants is clothes, earrings and Webkinz. How easy (and cheap) is that? I'm often flummoxed when it comes to buying gifts for the boys. Incomprehensible card and board games, violent video games, nerf things... with Audrey it's easy. Pink, frilly, accessories, books. If I love it, so will she. I have a mini-me and I love it.

And just a sidebar, I've finally come up with the perfect way to make her hair presentable. I'm delighted with the way it came out and just in time for her birthday bbq tonight, too. Look how cute it is...


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