Thursday, May 27, 2010

So I joined a bunch of mummy blog websites...

but I feel like a fraud. When I look at all the blogs I've written over the years, I'd say that 25% of them are about my family and a full 75% are about me and my bizarrenesses. I don't seem to gush about them very much at all. I've been reading a lot of these mom blogs and the women seem so loving and speak so tenderly about their offspring. They take gorgeous photographs of children bubble blowing in the sunshine, filled with love and beauty and all I can manage is this kind of thing, taken while giggling like an evil elf:

And don't get me started about the angry or mocking posts. About my own children and loving husband, no less. These loving women make me feel awful. Selfish, self involved and kinda mean. But you know what I've learned over my 42 years? I can't change. My family knows me and I think they even love me a little just the way I am. I just hope that when one of those good mums comes over here to read my self-indulgent nonsense, they don't think I'm a complete cow. I'm only half a cow. A calf, really. So nyah.



"Iowa Mom" said...

Visiting from Blog Follow! Please do the same and follow us back too :)

kyooty said...

I'm here to read what you have ot say, who am I to judge? and serious it looks like your child is older then all of mine? I could use the help.

kyooty said...

P.s. What's up with the shoes lately, they are everywhere, FB, Twitter and userpics?

Karen Kaye said...

Kyooty, I have 3 kids! 14, 12 (next week) and 10. That beast up above is my oldest, Elliott.

Which shoes? The Louboutin Mouches in blue satin up there? They're only my favourite shoes of all time! Someday I'll own my very own pair.

kyooty said...

I could never wear shoes like that, it's not good at all for my feet or back. My boys are 11,8ish and 5. So I'll keep reading how you do it so my 5 can get to 10 :p

Unknown said...

Came to check out your blog after reading your comment for "Keeping It Leal".

You don't need to worry about yourself, the Moms you have to worry about are the ones that "seem" perfect, with perfect lives and perfect families. They normaly have very deep, dark secrets or problems.

Karen Kaye said...

motk, that's a good thing since all my secrets are shallow and bright. And I vent everything on here LOL!

Thanks for checking me out ;o)

ag.gray.gate said...

Also here from "Keepin it Leal" - your About Me made my day!