Wednesday, July 28, 2010

You know what drives me nuts?

Products that invent a problem so that their "new and improved" product can solve it. It may be a valid issue but it's usually so inconsequential that it doesn't impact any part of your life.

Here are my current 3 irritants...

Pre/pro-biotic yoghurt. Really? You mean I went 42 years without belly dancing after eating curdled milk? How did I survive so long? How am I not doubled over with explosive gas and riddled with anal polyps?

I just saw a Listerine commercial that claimed that their newest formulation combats some new kind of magical plaque (with some scary made-up technical name) that can't be brushed away. What? Are you kidding me? So if I brush and floss like my dentist has told me to do all my life, I could still get attacked by the anthrax of plaque? If I was a gullible sap, I'd be hiding under the bed.

The Bounce Bar. The ad tells me that it's a colossal pain to remember to put a fabric softener sheet in the dryer. You know, you're right. Reaching up and to the right to pluck a sheet out of the box and tossing it into the open dryer is hard. Seriously people? The only inconvenience I can see with the old system is if you keep your Bounce box upstairs in the vegetable crisper of the refrigerator or you buy it a sheet at a time from the corner store.

I hate when ads treat me like a drooling moron. I've got a mind, I can think, I can even put two and two together. It's called critical thinking, guys. Stop trying to make me buy your stupid, useless products.



April said...

Oh man, I am with you! But, there ARE people who fall for these things, that's the sad part! They get all freaked out and then but these ridiculous products.

Catreona said...

Have you seen the ads for the pre-made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, all crusts removed, that you can just take out of the freezer and plop in your child's lunch box? I flat out didn't believe that one the first time I heard it.