Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - World Nutella Day



Stephanie said...

That is the best use of Nutella I have seen so far! Looks delish:)

Karen Kaye said...

I know, right? They came out so moist and with the pure hit of Nutella in the middle? I'm making those again between celebrations too!

Melanie said...

Didn't realize Nutella could look so good? :-))

Just wanted to thank you for what you shared on my blog earlier. I'm still laughing. Even though I look at your 72 followers and think "Wow, that's pretty good!". But I agree, writing for oneself is the true goal. Thanks for stopping by. So I now I'm following you. Your blog is very cool, by the way.

Melanie - fellow mama of 3.

JLR said...

Is World Nutella Day an actual day? If so, how did I miss this? And if it's something you just thought up, you are some kind of genius.

Thanks for coming by my blog, by the way! I'm really enjoying reading yours. And also, did you take your profile pic yourself? It's beautiful. I'm jealous of your photography skills (and the fact that you are photogenic, which I'm just . . . not).

Karen Kaye said...

I heard about Nutella Day 3 years ago and it's a "thing". I found it online so it must be true. It's on February 5th every year and being a bit of a baker, how can I resist? I try something new every year because we always have Nutella in the house.

As for the photos, I take them myself. The day I took the banner photo, I must have taken 200 shots of various body parts with the shittiest pocket camera known to man. I don't even remember the brand but it's pink LOL!

Thanks for coming by... even though I often veer into "mommy blog" territory, I'm that mum whose favourite mother's day is 24 hours without the family. Heaven.

JLR said...

Now I REALLY feel bad about my picture taking skills, because my camera, though not top of the line, is decent, but my pictures don't look like that. Can't be good at everything, right?

counting down the days until next year's nutella day . . .