Monday, March 14, 2011

March Break

Two words that strike fear in the heart of any parent. Well, my heart, anyway. I have my own 3 kids plus three "guests" (one of whom is sick today). It's hard to try to find things to do that will amuse everyone. Especially in my house where I'm fighting childproofing again with all I have. The kids here this week range in age from 18 months to 14 years. You try to find an activity that will keep everyone occupied so you can spend 15 minutes writing a blog. You know what I chose? Snacktime. Eating is the great leveller in this house so at least I can sit down and bash something out for you.

Unfortunately for you this means that this week's blogs will be admittedly shitty. Seriously, 6 kids in this house people, and only one who naps. You are lucky I'm giving you anything at all. In fact, I'll be lucky if I can get to the toilet at some point today.

I hate love March Break.


1 comment:

Elena said...

Bless your heart! I suggest you keep as many of them outside as possible so that they can run off all that energy that kids seem to have an endless supply of (wish I could bottle and sell it to tired women/moms like me).