Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mmmm rolls...

I work out so I can excuse the ridiculous amount of eating I do. I love food so much. That said, I'm obese according to the assholey BMI, a tool that if it was a person would be considered to be a bully. Check it out using this link. Throw in my info, 5'2" and 172lbs. Then look at me in this photo taken in November. Yes, I can stand to lose a few pounds but really? OBESE? Not even I think so. Thank goodness I don't take it too seriously. Plus calling myself obese makes me laugh. Especially while gazing lovingly and pridefully at my marathon, trialation, dragonboat and Spartan Race medals.

I work out a lot. I run on my treadmill, do varying amounts of pushups plus use that big ball 5 mornings a week, then I hit my gym at work 4 afternoons a week where I use the elliptical machine or stepper and free weights. In the spring I'll start biking to work and a few weeks after that dragonboat practice starts up again. Just typing that makes me tired but I have to have my Doritos on Saturday nights so I do it.

So anyway, I decided to try the rowing machine at the gym last week. I loved that thing but I may never get on it again. Why? Because when I hit that forward motion, I see more rolls than at Thanksgiving dinner. I know, I know, it's shallow but there it is. Hey, I do other exercisy things and I'm not getting skinny anyway so what's to miss?


1 comment:

flask said...

because somebody's making money shaming people about their body shape.

it's probably best for your health to be in good shape. if you are in good health and can move well, the body shape you have is just fine.

and food is awesome.

me, i would like to be thirty pounds lighter. not because i need to be thin, but because ultimately every unnecessary pound i carry is a pound i have to carry uphill on a bike.

i would like to be faster.