Thursday, August 1, 2013


I've done this before you know. Been bored. It was raining, and I felt cooped up. I was watching the Castro verdict (disgusting man and he got every second of jailtime that was coming to him and that's all I'll say on the matter) and felt the overwhelming need to bake and not tackle the epic pile of laundry waiting to be done. But what to bake? Cupcakes? Overdone. Cookies? I recently made over 100 for my Elliott at camp, and I'm over them. Squares? A little too... I don't know. Square?

I know! Didn't I recently watch a cooking show where one of the bakers called something she had to bake "crooked bush"? I knew what she was hilariously referring to. Plus I had all the ingredients at hand. Could I really do it? Could I really pull off one of the most skillful and beautiful desserts on one rainy day? Could I actually pull off the tricky pain in the ass called croque-en-bouche? A stunning pile of cream puffs decorated with caramel that looks like a dream?


But it kept me busy all day and I didn't have to do any laundry. And it'll taste better than it looks so there's that.

So what kept you busy today?


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