Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween bust.

Again. This neighbourhood is so full of elderly people that we get very few visitors. That coupled with the fact that our street has no streetlights and the people at either end are Halloween grinches, the kids never make it into the middle where the cool kids live, and the residents give out sweet full-sized choccies. The doorbell (okay knocker) went less than half a dozen times, and it was all people who knew us. No strangers. Boo. Everyone's seen my horns and spooky eyes before.

At least it was 5 which is about 3 more times than previous years so it's getting better around here. We got the typical cute little kids in the fuzzy costumes first, then the preteens in the homemade costumes then the 2 teens who showed up one with a Scream mask and street clothes and the other with a regular scarf around the bottom half of his face. Not even a kerchief to say he was a cowboy. Wow. Way to go with zero effort, boys. That kid will probably be my doctor in the old folks home. The mind boggles.

My favourites were Erica and James who came to my place dressed as the Paper Bag Princess and Tom Baker's fourth Doctor Who. Loved it.

I ended up watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show with Audrey on tv and, man, is that movie awful without an enthusiastic crowd. Still had fun yelling at the tv, though but the kids were thoroughly baffled. I can't believe I've seen that movie around 2 dozen times. Wait, yeah I can. It's awesome.

So anyway, it's time to put my contact lenses away for another year. Maybe next year I'll get invited to a party so I can really enjoy this Halloween stuff. I'm still on the fence about it.


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